Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sea Babies - also off story line


Anonymous said...

I actually like these planets and sea baby ones a lot. Could they be a dream sequence?

They remind me of The Little Prince.


acunningham said...

Extra points for Linda! Why not, I like that idea just fine. a.

Anonymous said...

I like the dream sequence idea, too. But, there would have to be a strong element of fantasy - otherwise, the babies may be drownding or scare a young child. But if you said the "fish babies" had a "fantastic back crawl" it would really pull the young reader into the fantasy idea. I feel like this isn't soudning very clear - am I making any sense, at all?

Anonymous said...

Fish babies, that is good. I think if you saw the picture full size it would be clear these guys aren't in destress. But I like the back crawl comment. thanks,A.